Why we do this
Research shows that diverse teams are smarter and achieve better results.
If this is a known fact then why are many teams, specifically in IT, still not as diverse as they could be?
We are here to change that.
Through our team of self-made women we empower each other. We support women to get the most out of themselves so they can establish a healthy work-life balance and experience more freedom. Because we do this, companies get better performing teams.
So it’s quite simple:
When women win, everybody does.
we celebrate diversity in it
Women are often underrepresented in teams working in IT. We believe the problem is that diversity is considered to be important, but not urgent. We’re here to put diversity higher on this priority list.
we believe in role models
We managed to find women around us who we look up to. We need this, and we believe that every woman needs this. They can help get more out of yourself, but also provide you with a new dose of energy to take on something new.
we take a personal approach
Only if you really get to know somebody, you discover what he/she likes and can do best. We think the ‘getting to know you stage’ is way more important than looking at a CV. Experience taught us that this approach leads to a better fit of people in teams. And a better fit leads to better results.
“The more women help one another, the more we help ourselves.”
sheryl sandberg | CoO Facebook
About Ellevate
Ellevate is founded by Dineke & Aline in the heart of Amsterdam. We focus on female IT experts and promote freedom and flexibility. The team consists of more than just the two of us: it’s a group of female professionals of different levels from all over the globe.
Through personal contact and genuine interest, we offer an international team atmosphere where women can develop and act as role models for each other and for future girls in IT.
We bring women together and support them achieve their professional and personal goals.
Our customers become more diverse and international. We deliver quality and support the advancement of female participation in IT.
We’re proud to support Abigael
At Ellevate, we are passionate about empowering women and girls and to fight for gender equality, especially in parts of the world where women and girls are still systematically disadvantaged. We are very proud to tell you about our partnership with One Girl Can. This organisation is on a mission to eradicate poverty and gender inequality through education. One Girl Can is here to create a lasting change, one girl at a time. More information about the impact of their work:
Ellevate will specifically be supporting Abigael Nakesa Wabwile, a 16-year old, ambitious girl. She is very motivated to complete her education and to become a doctor in the future.